Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona
14 September 2024 11:00 - 23:00
15 September 2024 11:00 - 16:00

You can see the map of the workshops and activities by click on this link.

Free and public activity.

Open Studios 2024


During the weekend of September 14 and 15 La Escocesa opens its doors, this time apart from having open the workshops of the resident artists we will also have a program of activities throughout the two days.

We leave below the program and if you continue below you will see a detailed explanation of each activity.



Saturday 14th

11:00h – Doors Open

11:00 a 14:00h / 16:00 a 18:00h – Opening of the resident artists' workshops

11:00 a 14:00h / 16:00 a 18:00h Installation Cocciones varias by Helena civit, Helena Vinent, Andi Icaza-Largaespada, Julia Gorostidi, Catrina Miralles, Natalia Castañeda, Bárbara Sánchez Barroso and Maria Roy

11:30h - Todas las palabras (Video, 18’) by Diana Rangel 

11:30 a 12:30h / 16:30 a 17:30h – Guided tour in Spanish

12:00 a 14:00h / 16:00 a 18:00h Individual performative visit Festa horitzontal de dolors i plaers (8’) by Consol Llupià. There will be different passes and access will be on a first come, first served basis.

12:00 a 14:00h / 16:00 a 18:00h Secreto Ancestral VR (20’) by María José Díaz. There will be different passes and access will be on a first come, first served basis.

12:30h - Una comunitat de llavors i de relats (Video, 10’) / Aiguarir (Video, 12’) by Bárbara Sánchez Barroso

12:30 a 13:30h – Guided tour in Catalan

13:20h - Chigys Mie (Cosas pasadas) (Video, 32’) by Julia Gorostidi 


14:00 a 16:00h – Popular lunch cooked by Ca l'Isidret


16:00h – Manual de tejido (Video, 8’) / Entre reflejos (Video, 12’) by Laura Arensburg

17:00h – Un parásito (viviendo bonito) (Video, 5’) / Recuperar el amanecer (Video, 5’) by Andi Icaza-Largaespada

17:45h – Sin título (Video, 7’) by Catarina Botelho

18:00h – Leyendas Bastardas. Una sesión de cuentos fantásticos sobre la ciudad que (también) habitamos (Performance, 40’) by Julia Gorostidi 

19:00h – Ara / núvol / eco / punt (Performance, 45’) by Caterina Miralles, Mireia Molina Costa

20:00h – El ball de la civada jo te’l cantaré (Performance, 30’) by Joana Capella

20:45h – Posesión _ Baile Enmascarado (Performance, 45’) by M0nster.l4b

23:00h - Closure

Throughout the day there will be a space for children and we will have for sale the books of Edicions la Escocesa.

Awning by Rae Teitelbaum and Anna Irina Russell The stitching of various elements will function as shelter from the sun in some meeting points of the Escocesa community, with the idea of generating a softer and more livable space.



Domingo 15

11:00h – Doors Open

11:00 a 14:00h – Opening of the resident artists' workshops

11:30 a 12:30h – Guided tour in Catalan

12:00h – A la sombra de la luz (Video, 60’) by María José Díaz 

12:30 a 13:30h – Guided tour in Spanish

13:00 a 15:00h – Performance, snacks and vermouth Comeplantas by Natalia Carminati i Sonia Villar

13:10h – Desear como inmortales (Video, 8’) by Paula Bruna

16:00h – Closure

Throughout the day there will be a space for children and we will have for sale the books of Edicions la Escocesa.

Awning by Rae Teitelbaum and Anna Irina Russell The stitching of various elements will function as shelter from the sun in some meeting points of the Escocesa community, with the idea of generating a softer and more livable space.


You can see the detailed program of screenings, performances, children's space and other activations.



The workshop will be open to artists

Anna Irina RussellAntoni Hervàs, Bárbara Sánchez, Catarina Botelho, Consol Llupià, Dennis Dizon, Helena CivitHelena Vinent, Julia Aurora Guzmán, Laura Arensburg, M0nster.L4B, Marta Velasco Velasco, Natalia Carminati, Rae Teitelbaum, Tau Luna Acosta and residents of the research group: Andi Icaza-LargaespadaAnna Izquierdo, Diana Rangel, Elena Maravillas, Julia Gorostidi, María José DíazMireia Molina Costa and Sonia Villar.



Currently, all profits generated at La Escocesa go to Teja, a cultural solidarity network that supports artists and cultural professionals in emergency situations and through which artistic residencies for people from Palestine are being funded.

If you have any needs or questions regarding the accessibility of this activity, please visit our page on "access to La Escocesa" by clicking here.

Some of the workshops are located on the second floor where you can only access by stairs. You can see the map with all the info of the spaces in this link.

14 September 2024 11:00 - 23:00
15 September 2024 11:00 - 16:00

You can see the map of the workshops and activities by click on this link.

Free and public activity.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona