Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona



The San Martín civic centre and La Escocesa have established a collaboration agreement for the participation of a resident artist from La Escocesa in their Perpetracions Festival.

Perpetracions is an action an performance festival that promotes activism and critical reflection, seeking interaction between artistic creation and community, and questioning the public space. It will take place on Saturday 1st of June, 2024, in different non-conventional spaces in the San Martín de Provenzales neighbourhood, and in the civic centre building.

Joana Capella is the artist selected to participate in the 23rd edition of the Festival Perpetracions.




Joana Capella

NO FITA, NOMÉS CROSS CROSS CROSS is an action that takes the form of an (anti)fitness encounter. It is an open performance where the public is invited to take part in a choral choreography, and in which they use twerk as a tactic to experiment with other possible gestures. The notions of intensity, performance or productivity will be explored bodily, as well as the fact of dancing in common, and the exercise of a possible collective muscular memory.

Joana Capella Buendia (1990) is a visual artist. Her practice unfolds through research, performance and material and audiovisual production. She is interested in the issues surrounding artistic production, its possibilities of existence and institutional critique, but is also interested in feminist thought and ecology.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona