Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona

la riso


The workshop of La riso is a graphic self-publishing laboratory that supports the creative processes of La Escocesa's members. Risography is a printing technique between offset lithography and screen printing, which uses as a basic principle the transfer of ink through a master (stencil) with a flat color result for each ink*.

The risography works by a high-speed mechanical-digital printing system, ideal for small productions. This technique is commonly used in the contemporary DIY publishing scene due to its chromatic value, its effects and defects. In fact, one of its greatest attractions lies in "embracing error".

The laboratory maintains a growing archive of all publications created at La Escocesa to date, as well as offering public workshops and support for the members and resident artists of La Escocesa.


* The inks available are bright red, yellow, blue, blue and black.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona