Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona

el consultori

El Consultori opens to the artistic community of Barcelona oriented to creators of the visual arts who want to inquire into their practice, their work methodologies, share ongoing projects or strengthen them in dialogue with the perspectives and experiences of other artists. Nowadays it is coordinated by Laura Arensburg y Natalia Carminati.

Founded on a circular and horizontal group work dynamic, participants are invited to share doubts, exchange ideas and spread inspirations. In this sense, the participants are the main activators and articulators of the flows and dynamics of the group work.

El Consultori nourishes by active and sensitive listening, the circulation of words, close and constructive views, the composting of diverse practices and fertile advice that the coordinators follow-up deepening and attending to individual and collective needs and cares. To do this, Natalia and Laura suggest different methodologies and exercises of perception and fermentation. These exercises appeal to create porous meetings allowing participants to detect and connect with the fissures of their projects as spaces of openness and transformation.


participants 2024

Diego Cuéllar, Carla Di Girolamo, Loana Flores, Axelle Galoo, Nicolás Mendez, Elena Pachners, Romina Pezzia, Lucia Rivero, Gal Wachs, Dera Wells. 

open session 2024

Violeta Ospina and Antonio Gagliano joined us to share their experiences as migrant artists. The objective of this session was to build collective strategies and tools that can address our main concerns in relation to the professionalization of artistic practices in the context of Open Calls in Catalonia.

participants 2023

Gustavo Caletti, Jodie Lauren Chinn, El Gaba, Agustina Fioretti, Flor Ghardoy, Mabel Llevat, Marc Dentand, Diana Rangel, Barbara Renati, Flor Salatino, Coral Senderos, Anouchka Skoudy, Cinta Tort

In its current version, El Consultori has been active since 2023. However, this collective space open to share challenges and concerns in relation to the artistic production, has been operating, in different and varied versions, since 2020. If you click this link you can find a description of how it has changed over time.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona