Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona
19 July 2024 18:30 - 22:30

It will not be possible to access the practice once it has started.

Free and public activity.


our bodies are not able to resist by themselves

Let's get together, mix, dance (as one should not dance), approach, move away, open our pores to let the music enter, become porosity, dance what we believe is not danced, be irreverent to the rhythm, be irreverent to the norm and not de-normalize the care on the dance floor, between the bodies, between who we are. We will perspire, ask, be distortion, noise, mime and go into every space, between the sound, between the bodies. We are going to be MASS and in this mass we are going to mold a single body with each one of its bodies.

How can we be one body without losing our own body?
Is it possible for immanence and otherness to coexist in the same ecosystem?
How do we create rules so that we function better?
What can we do to break with the logics that control and shape our tastes, therefore our bodies, desires and ways of bonding?
How do we have fun?
Can we transform our aesthetic values, pervert good habits and subjectivities and discover other pleasures among the bodies, the sound, the space, the deformities and the vibrations, on the dance floor?
What is the dance floor?
What is dance?
When do we begin to be a mass?
How to be a mass and be an individual at the same time?

We are going to create a heterotopia (non-place) outside the logics of the club, containing sonorous, corporal, affective, joyful and fun counter-imaginings, in a time outside the logic of time, a territory outside the logics of that territory. We want to explode our own borders, the skin and discover the porosities that exist between different corporealities, tastes, lights, smells, vibrations, movements, dances and sounds.

Our ancestors used to dance as a ritual, to free demons and to scare the settlers away from their lands. We embrace those rituals and revive our own, we embrace our demons and give battle to all the scars that colonized and molded our bodies. We desire spaces of dance, rituals, bodily, that are loving, caring, tender and fiery, where we imagine and build even for a little while a collective timelessness where the bodies enjoy, take care of themselves, dance and feel mass through the alchemy resulting from the mixture of perspiration, smells, desires, ideas, differences, music and dance. Undoubtedly, such a space needs tactics, strategies and pedagogies and the affective/political commitment of the participants.

Activity accessible to all
Bring comfortable clothes
Space for everyone as long as we take care of one another
We do not tolerate violent attitudes
When in doubt, always ask

Activity organized together with Disociaciones tácticas and coordinated by Roc Lilith, SofilaOne, Lu Chieregati and Nico Lettieri (P^KNT€).

We thank "Entrenar la Fiesta" from the ORGIE collective for being the seed of this project.



Roc_Lilith (trans*masc, Sw) Movement artist, performative transgressor, light environment designer and whore by trade. Living between Berlin and Barcelona. Currently, they is searching for spaces of synergy between somatic, scenic, sensual and post-pornographic exploration. Starting from the creation of new formats of connection with the own/other body to hack the normativities that alter our desire.

Sofi la one (she/he) Movement researcher. Porn actress. Performer and post-porn director. Currently, she is immersed in the creation of spaces that challenge and redefine the boundaries of the body and desire. Her work focuses on disarticulating the established norms of sexuality through somatic and scenic exploration. She questions the normative structures that limit our erotic and creative potential. Her approach seeks to liberate and reimagine the experience of pleasure and bodily identity.

Nico P'KNT€ (They, , Argentinian) is a DJ, producer, teacher and multi(undisciplinary) Argentinian artist living in Barcelona. He is interested in mixing styles, techniques, celebrates mistakes and loves noise. He searches and researches on expanded and accessible practices/(in)disciplines. They is a cultural agitator, always with her eyes set on the global south cone, exploring and sharing situated and popular pedagogies/practices, where the creation of collective knowledge for all circulates and is encouraged. Together with Efe Ce Ele, they runs the Latin American label/PLATFORM FRAGMENT A and is part of the collective DISOCIACIONES-TÁCTICAS.

Luciana Chieregati is a researcher, choreographer and performer. They is currently studying the Master in Choreography and Performance at the University of Giessen directed by Bojana Kunst and Xavier Le Roi. Trained in Dance and Movement at the Anhembi Morumbi University (Brazil) and Master in Scenic Practice and Visual Culture at the University of Castilla-La Mancha in collaboration with the Reina Sofia Museum (Madrid).

They performative and choreographic work has fiction and imagination as central axes. They constructs her processes by inventing practices that activate narratives parallel to those of techno-heroic capitalist time. In recent years, they has developed the Floresta Project, which has a series of materializations such as the stage pieces Floresta and Ghost Animal Future, the publication of the text "The theory of the stock market of fiction" by Ursula K Le Guin by the publishers N-1 and Rara Avis and the workshop "Warping Radical Erotics" based on the fiction of the Menades.


If you have any needs or questions regarding the accessibility of this activity, please visit our page on "access to La Escocesa" by clicking here.

19 July 2024 18:30 - 22:30

It will not be possible to access the practice once it has started.

Free and public activity.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona