Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona
18th and 19th of november, 2023
Visit hours

Saturday from 11h to 1h and from 16h to 20h

Sunday from 11h to 14h

installacions during re-lligar


Plaça Sagrat Cor

- L’aire és nostre, de Lourdes Peñaranda. Celebration of a breath of diverse corporeality, community and participatory liberation as a symbol of resistance.

- Invitación a la Pereza, de Gustavo Caletti. Installation with interactive support that invites us to enjoy laziness. An apology against productivist and meritocratic logi


La Fresquera

- En construcción, by Fabrizio Contarino. For 2'20” the same piano note rhythmically accompanies some lines towards the construction and deconstruction of a sketched building, a loop that stages, through sound, the transformation of urban space.


Espai M

- Mapping, by Albert Bonay. Operative Mapping of La Escocesa.

- Vida/Trabajo/Casa/Jaula, by Coral Senderos. Wire weaves, volumetric drawings that define organic shapes. The perspective in which the work is viewed, and its projection in space, make the visible invisible (the trap).

- Cosmic Corals, by Alina Melnikova. The work includes biomorphic forms made of clay extracted from neighborhood lands and explores the dynamic between the strange and the familiar.

- Contra-cartografía empoderada, by Thilleli Rahmoun. Given the instability of the assigned models, the project aims to reactivate a peripheral vision and new spaces for the margins.

- Altar de muertos, by Natalia Carminati. Installation that speculates in relation to the imminent death of the 5 most manipulated crops in the world.



- Hōō, by Rosa Lendínez. Based on mythological characters from ancient China, the artist wonders what can happen if beings of different bodies and different origins cross paths in a place where interaction is facilitated.

- Noctes achilleienses (Las noches de achillea), by Paula Bruna. Video made from audiovisual material from the Compositae project (IBB), by researchers Luis Palazzesi, Iván Pérez Lorenzo and Oriane Hidalgo.

18th and 19th of november, 2023
Visit hours

Saturday from 11h to 1h and from 16h to 20h

Sunday from 11h to 14h

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona