Public and free activity with previous registration by sending an email to
When you send the mail, please write a short paragraph of presentation and motivation to attend the workshop.
Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Limited capacity | Language: Spanish
Three-day workshop to invite reflection on how the migratory experience can expand the field of artistic practices of the participants.
We start from transdisciplinarity as a process that breaks the boundaries of traditional knowledge, transforming professional identities and creating new forms of knowledge and connection. This approach promotes dialogue between disciplines, combining the intellectual and the sensitive by exploring different languages and human experiences. When this practice intersects with the life event of migration, the complexity and richness of creative possibilities can intensify. An opportunity arises to construct new meanings, expand the gaze on the spaces of belonging and collectively explore these complementarities.
Through participatory activities and discussions, we will explore questions such as:
How does the “migratory suitcase” impact identity and artistic work?
How are the multiple lives that a migrant artist inhabits reflected in his or her work?
How does the experience of migration become creative potential?
Tuesday 1/04 — 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Subjective cartographies of the professional trajectory. Intention, affinities and transdisciplinary traces.
Wednesday 2/04 — 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
From individual performance to group synergy. Presence, Territory, Collective Situationality.
Thursday 3/04 — 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
Intuition and situated thinking as devices of micro-political reading and creative inspiration.
This workshop is for artists who have gone through a migration process, artists whose practices actively coexist with other trades and people interested in the relationship between creation, migration, subjectivity and community intervention.
Entre Prácticas is an initiative of the Argentine Eugenia Aptecar, which intertwines research methodologies from psychology and art. The proposed practices and dynamics are referenced from authors such as Lygia Cark, Suely Rolnik, Jacob Levy Moreno and Félix Guattari, among others.
Eugenia Aptecar, Argentina (1957) Medical Doctor (UBA-) Specialist in Psychiatry. Psychoanalyst (AEPPG-AAPPG) Postgraduate in Group Situational Analysis (Tyerra Foundation). Diploma in Education and New Technologies (Flacso). Postgraduate in Pedagogies of Differences (Flacso)- With studies in Contemporary Dance, Theater, Eutonia, Feldenkrais, QiGong, Alignment, Improvisation, Fellow of the Master of Contemporary Latin American Aesthetics (CIAUNDAV).2017-2018- Postgraduate courses in Contemporary Arts: IDAES- UNAActually develops her research oriented in the between-place of artistic and therapeutic practices.
This activity coordinated by Diana Rangel is part of Trenza, which proposes to generate alliances with collectives, projects and people in the territory who have a long history of work by, with and for the southern migrant community in Barcelona. Based on the idea that art workers are political agents within the city and that in order to open La Escocesa to a specific community, it must be part of the cultural and political fabric of the city beyond the specificity of contemporary art.
The project is co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
If you have any needs or questions regarding the accessibility of this activity, please, visit the page "access La Escocesa" by clicking here
Public and free activity with previous registration by sending an email to
When you send the mail, please write a short paragraph of presentation and motivation to attend the workshop.
Comfortable clothing is recommended.
Limited capacity | Language: Spanish