Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona

7 years of waiting, 24 hours of notice, 7 days of life

a parenting diary

Christian Fernández Mirón

20 €



Year: 2024
Number of pages: 224
Language: Spanish and English
Size: 13 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-127332-3-5


sold out

7 years of waiting, 24 hours of notice, 7 days of life, is a diary of parenting; a collection of reflections, sentiments, outbursts and demands that Christian Fernández Mirón has been cultivating since a baby came into his and his husband's life.

Barely 7 days old, after 7 years of waiting and uncertainty to adopt, with 24 hours' notice. A 4.5 kg bomb. A small earthquake. The diary records his discovery of accompanying a new life, a path of intensities, emotions, exhaustion, joys and learning. From a highly personal voice, the publication aims to be one of the few references in Spanish on parenting and parenthood outside the norm, sharing the vicissitudes and discoveries that come with being an adoptive and LGTBI+ family in Spain today.

7 years of waiting, 24 hours of notice, 7 days of life is the result of a research project, selected in the call for "(self-)publishing in risography - La Escocesa 2023".

7 years of waiting, 24 hours of notice, 7 days of life

a parenting diary

Christian Fernández Mirón

20 €



Year: 2024
Number of pages: 224
Language: Spanish and English
Size: 13 x 17 cm
ISBN: 978-84-127332-3-5


sold out

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona