Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona

Children's space and other activations

Open Studio de La Escocesa 2024




Saturday 14 | from 11h to 14h and from 16h to 18h
Cocciones Varias (Cerámica)
With Maria Roy, the ceramic workshop presents a formal arrangement that responds to the characteristics of a set of pieces. The set is a sample of the processes, research, ideas, experimentation and techniques that define the workings of the space we share.

Showing pieces: Helena Civit, Helena Vinent, Andi Icaza-Largaespada, Julia Gorostidi, Catrina Miralles, Natalia Castañeda and Bárbara Sánchez Barroso.

Saturday 14 | from 12h to 14h and from 16h to 18h
Consol Llupià
Festa horitzontal de dolors i plaers
(Individual performance visit, 7–9 min)
The performance that you are about to perform (you) proposes an itinerary of the proposal that Consol Llupià Garcia is developing / investigating corporally. A dialogue with her body and your body from the festive pain-pleasure. Before starting you will agree on the limits. Each performance starts from an initial script but takes different forms.

Saturday 14 | from 12h to 14h and from 16h to 18h
María José Díaz 
Secreto Ancestral VR
(Realidad virtual, 20 min)
This is a journey of encounter into the cosmovision and rituals of the indigenous Q'ero community of Peru, which redefines the relationship between humanity and Mother Earth, in an immersive experience that breaks the physical limits of reality.

Sunday 15 | from 13h to 15h
Natalia Carminati y Sonia Villar
(Performance, pica-pica y vermut)
Come-plantas is an investigation on eating as an agricultural act, a digestive continuum from the soil to our tables and intestines; a biodiverse landscape of non-hegemonic vegetables that refer us to ancestral technologies in which the link with food is -from its sowing to its ingestion- essentially communal.


Children's Space


Saturday 14 | from 12h to 12:30h
Andi Icaza-Largaespada
Recovering the dawn - Paper balloons

Activity to make paper into a fragile, playful, own and shared container, to reflect on cycles that interweave play, pain, ritual and always start again the struggle for life, mourning and death with dignity. From the exercise in form and reading, to invite to activate the possibilities of the material and its content through light, folding, texts and community.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona