Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona

Screening program

Open Studio de La Escocesa 2024


Saturday 14 | 11:30h
Diana Rangel
Todas las palabras
(Vídeo, 17:51 min)
I work from a list of words that I have been accumulating in the last years but that really is endless, because it varies according to my mood, my ability or inability to breathe or to articulate some vowels. It's called stuttering, a condition I have been living with since I started to speak. That same condition, which I have had since I was a child, has placed me on the other side of the action, has made me observant and has led me to always prefer to listen before speaking, and when I do speak, to choose my words carefully. “All the words”, contains the accumulation and overlapping of the same list of words, in an exercise of speaking and writing. Written with pen on tissue paper, the words are found, one after the other, in order of appearance, forming a binding that seems never to be finished. Later in the video, I try to read them one after the other, experiencing the difficulty of reading aloud.

Saturday 14 | 12:30h
Bárbara Sánchez Barroso
Una comunitat de llavors i de relats
(Vídeo, 10:08 min)
During a few months of residence with high school students I wanted to reflect on the images on the screens from an extreme point of departure: making technology disappear from the sessions. The proposal consisted of simply leaving the cell phones aside and leaving the classrooms whenever we could in the natural environment of Amer, Girona.

As some of the students are not from the town and others do not always go out to get to know their environment, we all set out together to explore it on foot. In these outings what counted was the fact of spending more time in company, weaving relationships, like the string figures that Donna Haraway talks about in Keeping up with the problem, as well as with our closest reality, with everything that is alive and around us and what we do not pay attention to.

Saturday 14 | 12:30h
Bárbara Sánchez Barroso
(Vídeo, 11:30 min)
In the summer of 2021 a fire burned the mountain where the monastery of Sant Pere de Rodes, Girona, lies. Barbara, together with the artist Maria Marvila, undertook a process that would lead them to formalize a collective meditation within the context of ARBAR, in the Vall de Santa Creu, which would unite mantras, thoughts and poetry for the healing of the scorched earth. In 2023, a year and a half later, the two meet again to continue what they started with that action, within the context of the Fundació Palau, in Caldes d'Estrac.

In an act of homage to Perejaume and his work Surar, Barbara and Maria took the fallen branch of a cork oak tree, from the mountain still burned but greening, to the sea of Maresme. There, in a collective act, they invited the participants to hang from the burned branches, words written on biodegradable papers, for the healing of the mountain and for the conscience of the community. Finally, they floated the black branch with the paper words tied on it in the sea, for aiguarla (water+healing).

Saturday 14 | 13:20h
Julia Gorostidi
Chigys Mie (Cosas pasadas)
(Vídeo, 32 min)
Oscillating between documentary and fiction, Chigys-Mie tells the initiatory journey of a European woman (the artist) who searches in her son's ancestral memory for the heroes or models she has not been able to find in her own. Following the path of 5 deities of the Muisca indigenous mythology, the protagonist travels through the Cundiboyacense plateau in Colombia, to try to find in the oral tradition of this pre-Hispanic people, a conception of woman that differs or opposes to the one transmitted by her Judeo-Christian culture. Throughout the journey, she meets a series of native animals, who guide her through the territory and show her, each in their own way, that she will have to reinvent her own heroes.

Saturday 14 | 16h
Laura Arensburg
Manual de tejido
(Vídeo, 8 min)
A visit proposes an intertwining. Juana has been working in Laura's house taking care of her since she was a little girl. This time, Laura goes to Juana's house to intertwine knowledge: hands and gazes teach each other to weave and engrave. In this game, they weave their bond from another place. Colored threads give subtle stitches in the work of care and rehearse other wefts for these encounters.

Saturday 14 | 16h
Laura Arensburg
Entre reflejos
(Vídeo, 12 min)
During the confinement two bodies and a camera explore the limits of the exhibition in a giant mirror where the building they inhabit is reflected.
One body looks and the other shows itself, but who is observing whom? who is provoking whom?
Enclosure violates the love of self-image. Sickened, the bodies try to go through the mirror...

Saturday 14 | 17h
Andi Icaza-Largaespada
Un parásito (viviendo bonito)
(Vídeo, 5 min)
A branch of an arbolata of life, one of those that used to grow in Nicaragua, fallen can only survive in its essential form: as a parasite, on the backs of a repressed people. A reflection on the environmental degradation of the national territory throughout this decade of climate change.

Saturday 14 | 17h
Andi Icaza-Largaespada
Recuperar el amanecer
(Vídeo, 5 min)
A meditation on cycles that interweaves play, pain, ritual and always starting again the struggle for life, mourning and dignified death. From paper, words and balloons, fragile, playful and shared containers to connect and sustain resistance efforts in the face of structural and acute violence in different territories.

Saturday 14 | 17:45h
Catarina Botelho
sín título
(Performance, 7 min)
For a long time, lesbian identity was virtually invisible. It was hardly associated with images or imaginaries and, when it was, it was associated with stereotypes created by heterosexual male gazes. This reading is a personal reflection on the lack of lesbian images and imaginaries in the public space of cities.

Sunday 15 | 12h
María José Díaz
A la sombra de la luz
(Vídeo, 60 min)
In a small town in Chile, the apparent calm is interfered by the vibration of high voltage. The inhabitants of Charrúa live in the darkness of the electrical grid that illuminates the country. Between cables, pylons and thermoelectric plants, the imposing machinery of an unequal system appears.

Sunday 15 | 13:10h
Paula Bruna
Desear como inmortales
(Vídeo, 8:11 min)
The cruel plant (Araujia sericifera) is considered an invasive species in our latitudes. Originally from Argentina, it spread through Europe from its trade to decorate gardens. The story of the cruel plant in the West speaks of desire and rejection, of possession and rebellion, of guilt and punishment for not submitting to human control. Her story has all the ingredients of a film noir movie where she, the plant, would have the role of femme fatale. From the seeds of the cruel plant, and intertwining the story of this plant with the artist's personal memories, the video goes through the attractive and dangerous of desire and, from the other point of view, through the exuberant rebelliousness and submission of what is desired.

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona