Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona
8 June 2024 11:00 - 19:30

Free and public activity.

Language: Spanish

ode butch

day of celebration of butch identities


Multidisciplinary and collaborative meeting on butch identities. A community and open space for discussion and reflection on identities, intersections, archiving, the meaning of the word and the elasticity of language in the current context. A meeting that aims to celebrate, share and make visible the diverse ways in which butch identity crosses us.


11:00h - Open doors

Talk-meeting on butch archive and memory
With the participation of:

  • Lola Clavo and Mariana Echeverri will be in charge of presenting the conference and will tell us about Oda Butch, a publication that compiles several voices that address in a poetic, personal and experimental way the question of feminine masculinity (or masculine femininity) and the very plasticity of gender and language. Given the lack of documentation on this identity in the Spanish-speaking context, Oda Butch gathers and opens up space to name, make visible and imagine ways of existing and living the expression of gender, taking into account both its fluidity and how rooted it can be in culture.
  • Orne Cabrita will talk about the trans-Caribbean butch experience.
  • Ari Rovira will talk about Lancaster Studio, a butch tailoring project created to dress different queer bodies and identities. The project focuses on dressing the needs and forms of queer bodies through costumes and other made-to-measure garments. As a butch tailor, he reflects on how clothes become a tool that transforms us, constructs us and provides elements of our identity.

Butch Tailoring Installation

Presentation of the tailoring studio Lancaster Studio where you will be able to see live the process of creating a made-to-measure blazer. We will be able to try on some garments and see how we feel about them when we look in the mirror.


For lunch we will have a vegan and lesbian paella, in charge of the collective Poc a Coop.
The suggested donation for the meal is 5€ and it will be served on a first come, first served basis.

Presentation Otherness Archive

Screening of a selection of audiovisual works and short films: Presentation by Sweat of the UK's Otherness Archive, a free and open online visual archive that documents and collects queer films and their pioneering authors, as well as a meeting space for contemporary filmmakers exploring transmasculinities. The presentation will be accompanied by a 40-minute screening of specially selected visual works and short films from the archive.

Space for celebration and community meeting

19:30h - Closing of the day

During the whole day:

  • The 'Inventory of butch objects', a photographic collection that shows the relationship between the bodies traversed by butch identity and their objects, will be on display. The exhibition will be made up of photographs donated by the queer community in Barcelona. In the afternoon there will be a tour of the installation by Marta Velasco-Velasco, artist in residence at the Escocesa.
  • There will be a cold drinks bar.
  • There will be a play area with a ping pong table.
  • There will be a play area for families.
  • There will also be a seating area.



Mariana Portela Echeverri (Pt/Col) is a multidisciplinary artist who explores the languages and technologies of the body through a dreamlike and experimental lens. Her work expands through drawing, sculpture or video, creating fluid scenarios where desire, danger and play co-inhabit. A graduate with an MFA from Goldsmiths University, she has exhibited internationally as well as attended artist residencies, led workshops and enjoyed production and research grants.

Lola Clavo is a filmmaker, teacher and intimacy coordinator. Her work focuses on representations of the body, gender roles and sexuality. She works with both fiction and documentary, from exploration and, often, collective creation. Clavo is a graduate of the MA in Film Directing from Goldsmiths University of London and has shown work internationally at film festivals as well as in galleries and museums.

Orne Cabrita (CCS, Vzla) Caribbean transmasculinity, juggler of words, illustrator and speculator of gentler futures. Committed to doubt as a methodology as well as the liberation of Palestine and all the oppressed territories of the Global South.

Ari recovers the figure of the tailor and creates Lancaster Studio as a vindication of the hegemonic fashion system, which standardises our identities and dresses us in clothes that degenerate the world we inhabit. In addition, in order to generate a global shift towards a more sustainable and inclusive industry, she transmits these values by working as a teacher in design schools and as a sustainability consultant for fashion companies.

Otherness Archive is a visual archive documenting queer films and their pioneers, as well as a space for contemporary filmmakers. It aims to create an accessible archive with a special focus on the transmasculine experience, referring to all nuances and expressions of masculinity within the trans community (e.g. non-binarie, trans man, dykes/bolleras, butch, gender non-conforming, studs...).


Currently, all profits generated at La Escocesa go to Teja, a cultural solidarity network that supports artists and cultural professionals in emergency situations and through which artistic residencies for people from Palestine are being funded.

If you have any needs or questions regarding the accessibility of this activity, please visit our La Escocesa access page.


8 June 2024 11:00 - 19:30

Free and public activity.

Language: Spanish

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona