Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona
19 June 2024 18:30 - 20:00

Special guests: Violeta Ospina y Antonio Gagliano

The COnsultori is a space open to the artistic community of Barcelona, aimed at creators of the visual arts who want to investigate their practice, their working methodologies, share a project in progress or strengthen it in dialogue with the perspectives of other artists.

After four meetings of the group formed in this cycle, this 5th meeting is an open session with Violeta Ospina and Antonio Gagliano as special guests to share their experiences and find strategies and tools for the professionalisation of artistic practices in the context of calls for proposals.

Activity coordinated by Laura Arensburg and Natalia Carminati


Antonio Gagliano is a visual artist, born in Córdoba (Argentina) in 1982. His projects interweave artistic practices and research, using drawing and writing to explore the multiple ways in which knowledge emerges, is organised and disseminated. For more than a decade, he has collaborated as editor of Son[i]a in Radio Web Macba. Since 2020, he has been responsible for programmes and research contexts at Hangar.

Violeta Ospina was born in Colombia in 1986. She is an undisciplined artist, deformed in plastic, living and sound. Her artistic creation pays special attention to sound and the body. She is an artist in residence at Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica, co-creator of Radia Cava-ret and participates in Radio Web Macba, Espai Avinyo and the Macba Education team.

19 June 2024 18:30 - 20:00

Special guests: Violeta Ospina y Antonio Gagliano

Pere IV, 345 08020 Barcelona